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Spring Meadow

Primary School

Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference

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Turing Class - Year Six - Mr Pallett

Alan Turing

British Mathematician and Computer Scientist

‘Sometimes it is the people who no one images anything of who do the things that no-one can imagine.’  Alan Turing

Alan Turing was a mathematical genius and the father of computing.  His work during the war breaking the enigma code is an amazing story of courage and brilliance.  His work on the ‘Turing Machine’ meant that enigma was broken.  It is estimated that Turing’s work shortened the war by two years and may have saved twenty million lives. After the war he continued to develop better computer systems.  Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, talked about computer science’s debt to Turing.


Turing has an extensive legacy with statues of him and many things named after him, including an annual award for computer science innovations. He appears on the current Bank of England £50 note, which was released on 23 June 2021, to coincide with his birthday. Few people have impacted the modern world in such a way as Alan Turing-he has been named as one of the greatest people of the 20th century.


Class Teacher - Mr Pallett

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Kioussis and Mrs Whittingham


PE is on Friday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

Outdoor Learning is on Wednesday


Class Email: turing@springmeadow.essex.sch.uk
