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Spring Meadow

Primary School

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Year 6

Year Six have been writing biographies about Charles Darwin.

This week Year 6 have been investigating mammals as part of their science work. They have also been using their reading skills to summarise information from scientific research.

In Art this term Year 6 have been creating conservation inspired Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Year Six have been exploring Electricity in Science and have been wiring a 'bungalow'.

In year 6 we have been exploring how artists use images to create meaning. We are working on layered graffiti art, using mixed media of our choosing.

Year 6 have been investigating the life of Muhammad Ali and finding out why he is a significant figure in sport and an inspirational individual

Year 6 have been creating their own graphic novel pages linked to Ancient Greek Mythology.

Year six have been taking part in physical education sessions inside this week.

Year 6 are finding out about electricity this term. They have investigated how electricity is formed and tested out ideas by making a range of different types of circuit.
