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Spring Meadow

Primary School

Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference

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Year 3

Year 3 had a great time visiting the British Museum this week.

Year 3 worked with a theatre company Funnelwick Limb this week.

Year 3 have been writing poetry this week!

Year 3 have been writing biographies about Tutankhamun.

Children have used needle and thread to sew designs onto their fossil pictures.

Year 3 have created their art pieces onto cloth using poster paints. They have created the background for a 'fossil discovery'. They then drew some fossils onto the cloth with pencil and next week they will be using a needle and thread to sew on the patterns of their fossils!

In maths, we created angles with tape on our tables and used our right angle checkers to see whether the angle was greater or less than a right angle.

Year 3 have been learning how to tell the time in maths this week. They have made their own clocks to use to tell the time.

We have been looking at the techniques we use to mark make and draw fossils. We are going to use these techniques to eventually combine paint, cloth and threading in order to create a landscape with fossils.

Year 3 have been using 'I Movie' to create voice overs.

Year 3 have been studying 'The Wheel' and researching 'soil' in Science.
