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Spring Meadow

Primary School

Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference

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Week Commencing 1st July - Week 3


Week Commencing 8th July - Week 1


Week Commencing 15th July - Week 2

Nut Free Flyer

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently entitled to a Free School Meal each day.  They are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they prefer.


For children in our Nursery, dinners currently cost £2 per child, pre day, and for those in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 school dinners will cost £2.30 per day.  This should be paid for in advance via Arbor or in the school office.


If you believe that you are entitled to income related Free School Meals, please contact the School Office.
