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Welcome to
Spring Meadow
Primary School
Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference
Purpose of Study
Our high-quality science education promotes intrigue and knowledge through our engaging biology, chemistry and physics curriculum. Our science curriculum is designed to ensure pupils build upon prior learning, develop their knowledge of concepts, methods and processes in science and make connections in their understanding of science in the wider world. Through the study of science children will develop both a love of learning and a sense of curiosity, helping them gain the skills they need to understand how science can inform what is happening and why, enabling them to predict causes and affect through analysis of investigative enquiry.
‘The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.’ – Albert Einstein
Our science curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
● Foster a positive attitude towards science and an awareness of science in the world around them.
● Develop broad scientific vocabulary.
● Use their knowledge to understand the what, why, when, where of working scientifically.
● Develop a scientific knowledge and understanding of different concepts through the areas of biology, chemistry and physics.