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SEND Policy



Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 


Written in line with the revised SEND Code of Practice (September 2014) and LA guidelines and it is important to note that this policy relates to and is linked to our Pupil Attendance Policy.


At Spring Meadow Primary School & ‘School House’ Nursery we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all our pupils irrespective of gender, age, cultural background or ability.


Definition of Special Educational Needs

Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

Children have a learning difficulty if they:

  • Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
  • Have disabilities that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local education authority.
  • Have any kind of mental health or emotional well-being difficulties
  • Are under compulsory school age and fall within the definitions above or would so do if special educational provision was not made for them.


Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.


For children of two or over, educational provision is that, which is additional to, or otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally for children of their age in schools maintained by the LA, other than special schools, in the area.


This SEND policy details how Spring Meadow Primary School & ‘School House’ Nursery will do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs and or disabilities and those needs are made known to all who are likely to teach them. The school will use its best endeavours to ensure that teachers in the school are able to identify and provide for those pupils who have special educational needs and or disabilities. To allow pupils with special educational needs and a or disability to join in the activities of the school together with pupils who do not have special educational needs, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving the special educational provision and the efficient education of the pupils with whom they are educated. This policy supports the aims set out in our SEND Strategy and SEND Information Report.


Principles of Special Educational Needs (SEND) 


  • To set high expectations for children with SEND
  • To promote the inclusion of children with SEND within mainstream education.
  • To support parents of children with SEND and take account of their views in the SEND process. This to be carried out using a person-centred and individualised approach
  • To take account of the child’s views in the SEND process and to plan person centred outcomes for our pupils with SEND
  • To operate within the statutory framework.
  • To develop the knowledge and skills of all staff working with SEND children across the whole school and nursery setting.


The SEND policy objectives are:


  1. To support children with SEND to have high aspirations for themselves
  2. For each child to learn and develop to their full potential within all aspects of school life and so gain success across a range of achievements.
  3. To build each child’s self-confidence 
  4. For each child to work with others cooperatively
  5. For each child to contribute to the ethos of the school constructively.
  6. To develop each child’s social and emotional development


Parent Partnership Working /Parent Views

Partnership with parents plays a key role in enabling children and young people with

SEND to achieve their potential. The school recognises that parents hold key information and have knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best ways of supporting them. All parents of children with special educational needs and or disabilities will be treated as partners and supported to play an active and valued role in their children’s education.

Parent Partnership work and parent views contributions are planned for through the ‘One Planning Process’. This is an approach adopted within Essex following the introduction of the new SEND Code of Practice 2014. 


Pupil Views

Children and young people with SEND often have a unique knowledge of their own needs. Their views about what sort of help they would like to support them to make the most of their education will be sought. They will be encouraged to participate in all the decision-making processes and contribute to the assessment of their needs, the review and transition processes. 


Pupil views are collected through the ‘One Planning’ process and presented with the views of parents as a ‘Pupil One Page Profile’. These are then made available to all those teaching and supporting the pupil.


The ‘Pupil One Page Profile’ is to be reviewed each academic year or more frequently if needed at a review meeting and adjustments made as needed.


The SENCo is involved with the pupil SEND reviews of those pupils with more complex needs and for whom an application for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be required at a future date and or where other agencies are involved in the pupil’s support. For other pupils on the SEND register the review will take place with the parent and  class teacher.


The details of how and when the One Planning Process will be carried out is detailed in the SEND Strategy 2022  and should be read in conjunction with this policy.


Responsibilities of the SENCo:


  • To maintain a regularly updated SEND register
  • To ensure with SLT that all staff are aware of the school’s SEND policy and their roles and responsibilities in ensuring it is carried out in their classroom management and that teaching arrangements show evidence of being guided by the policy.
  • To advise, along with the EP, Inclusion Partner and other agency professionals, on differentiation issues, approaches and materials.
  • To support class teachers in managing SEND provision 
  • To ensure alongside SLT that all procedures are in place and carried out.
  • To ensure that Annual Reviews are conducted in line with County Guidelines and statutory requirements.
  • To ensure that the administrative systems support the monitoring and review process.
  • To liaise with teachers and learning support assistants
  • To liaise with parents/carers of SEND pupils as appropriate.
  • To liaise with outside agencies.
  • To attend consultations with parents, teachers and all other relevant personnel when appropriate.
  • To ensure attachment awareness and Trauma Informed training for all staff
  • To ensure that clear planning processes are in place.
  • To support the SLT in the collation of data and the production of reviews which will enable an analysis of:-
  1. Progress made by pupils with SEND in relation to adjustments to provision 
  2. Current policy and practice
  • To use the outcome of 1 and 2 to:-

a).  Produce a detailed annual SEND strategic action plan that can be incorporated into the School’s Development Plan (Action Plan)

b).  Through and with the SLT to provide the Governors with the information they need to carry out their monitoring and evaluation role and to be able to report to parents about the success of the SEND policy via the Annual Report to Parents


In order to achieve these aims we must have in place procedures to enable the following to happen. E.g.


  • Staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to SEND pupils (inline with the current Teacher Standards guidance)
  • Admission arrangements 
  • Identification 
  • Assessment 
  • Evaluating Success 
  • Concerns and Complaints procedure 
  • Partnerships 
  • In service training 
  • School Development Plan 
  • Resourcing 
  • Arrangements for coordination of SEND provision 
  • Termly reports to the Governing Body. 
  • Annual report to the parents 
  • SEND Strategic development action plan


This policy must be read in conjunction with the:


  1. Disability Equality Scheme
  2. Safeguarding policy
  3. Admissions policy
  4. Assessment policy
  5. Teaching and Learning policy
  6. Equal opportunities policy
  7. School development plan
  8. School SEND Information Report
  9. SEND Strategy Document


Monitoring, Evaluation and Review of this Policy

Monitoring of this policy will form part of the ongoing monitoring of SEND provision. A yearly evaluation and review of practice takes place.  It is at this time that the policy is reviewed by the SENCo and any changes or amendments to the policy are made in consultation with the teaching staff.  The policy forms part of the review cycle in the Governors’ Curriculum Committee meetings where any changes in policy are shared.  The SEND Strategic Development plan highlights areas of future focus


This policy was updated in March 2023

Appendix 1


Procedures in place to allow the SEND policy to operate successfully


Responsibility for SEND provision

The person responsible for overseeing the overall provision for children with SEND is Mrs Nicky Patrick (Head teacher)

The person co-ordinating the day to day provision of education for pupils with SEND is Mrs E Donegan (SENCo)

The Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Bayley


All teachers are teachers of SEND and therefore responsible for meeting the needs of all individuals through:


  • Adapting the curriculum and varying teaching styles to meet the variety of learning styles that pupils have
  • Making reasonable adjustments and adaptations both to teaching and learning and to the learning environment
  • Assessing needs in consultation with, Learning Support Assistants, SENCo, parents, pupils themselves as appropriate
  • To take the leading role in the close liaison of all members of staff who will be involved in the delivery of a child’s individual provision
  • To provide learning support assistants with clear descriptions of learning objectives and tasks
  • To take into account as appropriate the views of the child when devising and implementing the learning support programme
  • Where possible work closely with parents as partners and ensure their active involvement in their child’s education
  • Providing materials and resources which will help individuals to consolidate and practice the skills they need
  • Providing the time for these activities, either individually or within small groups during the day embedded within literacy and numeracy
  • Where support is deemed necessary over and above that which can be provided by the class teacher it could be available either in a withdrawal situation or in the classroom depending on what is most pertinent to meeting those needs in the most appropriate way


Learning Support Assistants

  • To play their part in meeting the needs of the children in the class
  • To follow the class teacher’s instructions as to learning objectives and tasks
  • To contribute to the process of observation and assessment which helps inform the class teacher with regard to a child’s present needs and progress


Curriculum Leaders

  • Each subject Curriculum Leader has the responsibility for implementing and monitoring SEND issues within their curriculum area


Senior Leadership Team

  • To ensure that SEND issues are addressed as whole school themes
  • Consider evidence that will review the effectiveness of the SEND policy and procedures
  • To identify areas of needs
  • To allocate resources in the most efficient way


Governors (SEND Governor provides the lead on these areas for the Governing Body)

  • To have an understanding of the current structures and systems in place for the implementation of the SEND policy.
  • To have access to adequate data which will enable them to annually monitor the success of current policies and procedures.
  • To be involved in any planning for appropriate changes in policies and procedures as a result of the above review.
  • To identify a budget for SEND
  • To establish targets 
  • To agree an annual action plan 
  • To report to the main Governing Body on the issue of SEND
  • To comment on the success of the policy over the previous year in the Annual Report to Parents


Pupil involvement

  • Children understand the why, how and when of the processes in which they are engaged.
  • To have a positive self image and be willing to take risks.
  • To be able to express needs, ideas and opinions.
  • To reflect and celebrate
  • To understand and accept that everyone is an individual and as a result have individual needs.


Admission arrangements

In addition to the admission arrangements outlines in the general school policy the following procedure will operate for children with SEND:


  • Where the children entering the school have already been identified as having SEND the SENCo will collate and summarise all the information which is sent from other sources e.g. a report from the preschool teacher, from Special Educational Needs and Psychology service, a report from the Educational Psychologist, a report from the Speech and Language therapist and any other professional reports that identify a child as having SEND, school records, One plans ,reviews  etc.


  • If these are not available the SENCo will attempt to contact the appropriate sources. The SENCo will gather information from the parent(s)/carers and the pupil. After an agreed monitoring and assessment period and in consultation with the appropriate school personnel an action plan will be drawn up and implemented and may include further assessment, allocation of resources for the implementation of the ‘One Plan’ process and following the procedures in the SEND Code of Practice.



Pupils who cause concern to teachers and parents will be identified as soon as possible and  placed on the Class Action school monitoring system. A SENCo referral may also be completed during this time. Action at High Quality InclusiveTeaching Level and Ordinarily Available may be necessary at this stage to support the identified pupil. This alongside a meeting between the parent and teacher and in some cases with the SENCo attending.


The SEND Strategy document goes into much more detail regarding the processes established in school regarding the identification of any SEND needs.


The following criteria for identification of a pupil with SEND may be used as appropriate:


Pupils who are working at Pre Key Stage levels  or Working Towards Age Appropriate levels in literacy and numeracy. Evidence based on school assessment. Using the schools Assessment tool.


Pupils who are developmentally delayed and as such are identified as part of the assessment process as they enter the school.


Pupils identified by Outside agencies e.g Speech and Language therapist, Occupational therapist etc.


Pupils requiring greater attention than the majority of their peers in the classroom due to their learning which may be attributed to:


  • Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
  • Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dyspraxia.
  • Social, mental and Emotional Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive or lack concentration.
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multisensory and physical difficulties


Behavioural difficulties do not necessarily mean that a child or young person has a SEN and should not automatically lead to a pupil being registered as having SEN.


Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a child has SEN and should not automatically lead to a pupil being recorded as having SEN.


Persistent disruptive or withdrawn behaviours do not necessarily mean that a child or young person has SEN.


Identifying and assessing SEN for children or young people whose first language is not English requires particular care; difficulties related solely to limitations in English as an additional language are not SEN.



At Spring Meadow Primary School & ‘School House’ Nursery we feel that it is crucial that all children with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities should be identified and assessed as early and as quickly as possible.


The special needs process will involve identification of strengths and needs through:


  • Teacher assessments and observations
  • National Curriculum checklists
  • Standardised tests
  • Specific skills checklists
  • Medical reports and assessments


This will enable children to access the National Curriculum or Foundation Stage Curriculum as early as possible. In order to do this there is an Early Intervention Programme and it involves:


  • All nursery pupils being assessed by the Nursery staff using the learning developmental goals.


  • All Foundation Stage children are assessed by the class teacher using the Foundation profile  assessment, with particular attention given to those who have been highlighted by outside agencies prior to coming to school. 


Some pupils may then be discussed with the SENCo and referred for further assessment if necessary following the plan detailed in the SEND Strategy Document.


As a result of this a pupil who is causing concern either to the class teacher or parents/carers or to any other school personnel may be referred to the SEND Coordinator formally via the school SEND referral document with evidence to support their concern.


All decisions with regard to whether children are placed on the SEND register and their progress will be decided upon in consultation between the class teacher, the SENCo, the parent(s) or carer(s), the pupil, teaching assistants and any other people who are able to contribute to the process such as educational psychologists and the Inclusion Partner as well as  health professionals.


Evaluating success

This will be done in a number of ways through the ‘One Plan’ System:


  • Targets/objectives/outcomes will be set for all children with SEND and will be reviewed at least termly


  • Parental views sharing and  feedback at review meetings.


  • One Page Profiles/Pupil views feedback.


  • Standardised test results (Reading/Spelling/Numeracy).


  • Evidence of progress through curriculum based assessment/Target Tracker


Concerns and Complaints procedure

Parents/carers will be notified each year through the school paperwork and website that they can have access to their child’s teacher through parents evenings. Class teachers are also available after and in some cases before school to discuss any concerns parents may have about their child.  Appointments should be made via the school office.  The SENCo will be happy to make appointments and will be available for consultations via the school office.  Where the parents/carers feel that they are not happy with the arrangements made for their child they can ask the Head for a special appointment with either the SENCo or the class teacher or both.  This will then be arranged at the earliest opportunity.  For further details of the concerns and complaints procedure please refer to the Concerns and Complaints Policy.



The school personnel will work closely with all people who contribute to a child’s learning and welfare in order to ensure that the most effective assessment and provision will be secured.


Role of parents. This will be developed through:

  • Home/school diaries.
  • Regular formal and informal partnership meetings with school staff and or the SENCo
  • Pupils with SEND ‘One Plan’ and review meetings 
  • Parent views contribution


This ‘partnership’ will extend to other organisations that are involved both within the Learning Services Directorate of Essex County Council (Educational Psychologists, Inclusion Partners) and Outside agencies (Social Services and Child Health Services).


The following criteria will be considered when referring a pupil to either the Inclusion Partner or the Educational Psychologist:


  • A pupil with complex additional needs who is causing continuing concern despite the use of a variety of strategies and approaches at High Quality teaching level over a sustained period of time  including the ordinarily Available offer (A graduated approach)
  • A pupil with complex additional needs who school personnel feel may need to have a statutory assessment at a future date.
  • A pupil who has  particular  complex difficulties  which school personnel do not feel they have adequate expertise to deal with effectively.
  • A pupil for whom an outside view may add a new dimension which will lead to the school being able to meet his/her needs more effectively through the ‘One Planning’ process.


Links with other agencies.

There is a record of all medical, social and voluntary agencies in the SENCo's office explaining procedures and reasons for contact. All contacts with other agencies will be made in consultation with parents following discussions between class teachers, the SENCo and the Headteacher.


Educational links

  • Cluster support groups
  • Multi-agency groups
  • Secondary school providers
  • Pre school providers


The following is an example of how transition arrangements are already in place:


Opportunities for liaison between Year 6 and Year 7 staff continue to be developed  The SENCo from the secondary school now visit to liaise with the SENCo re: year 5 &6 pupils on the SEND register. Other key personnel e.g. Head of year 7, Learning Mentors, Key worker LSAs are invited in during the year to discuss individuals and the support that is in place for them. On occasions staff from the secondary school will observe the work carried out to support these pupils.

Year 6 pupil transition visits also take place during the summer term with extra support for identified pupils with SEND.

The SENCo also supports parents of pupils with complex needs to meet with the SENCo at the Secondary placement, sometimes accompanying them.


Pre school pupils make visits in the term before they start school. School staff carry out home visits in line with the Foundation Stage Induction Policy. School staff visit pre-school providers where possible. Where required the SENCo will liaise with pre-school providers concerning the needs of individual children where specific needs have been identified pre- entry


In-service training

In order to meet the demands of the Code of Practice there is a commitment to the training of all school staff both in attending external courses, INSET provided in school and through a regular link with Special Educational Needs and Psychology Service personnel, with whom issues relating to the day to day management of the process can be discussed and implemented.  An appraisal of staff strengths and weaknesses in the area of SEND will be carried out annually through staff performance management procedures.


SEND Strategy

The SEND Strategy links into the School Development Plan. This is produced annually.



The LA and other agencies will work in partnership with the school to assess the needs of all SEND pupils and will ensure that the appropriate resources are available to enable pupils to have the greatest possible access to the ‘broad and balanced’  Curriculum and support.  Information on this support is available  through the ‘Local Offer’ and School Send information report.


Arrangements for the Co-ordination of SEND provision.

The SENCo works with the Head Teacher to oversee the day to day management of SEND provision. There are a number of learning support assistants with a range of skills  who work to support SEND children in a variety of ways. The children are identified. The SENCo collates information across year groups and shares this with Headteacher and SLT to identify children to be included in the support and intervention groups. These interventions are then recorded in a the whole school SEND Provision map.

All class teachers have a Class SEND paperwork with up to date information on their children in relation to SEND and SEND reviews

The SENCo maintains a master duplicate file for each class.


Termly Reports to the Governing Body

These are written by the SENCO and  include information on: 

  • Number of pupils with SEND on the register.
  • Identification, assessment and provision.
  • Monitoring and record keeping.
  • Use of outside support service and agencies.
  • Staff SEND training
  • Local and National updates on SEND Policy and Practice


Annual Report to Parents

To comment on the Termly Reports and the successes of the SEND policy.



Appendix 1

Procedures in place to allow the SEND policy to operate successfully


Responsibility for SEND provision

The person responsible for overseeing the overall provision for children with SEND is Mrs Nicky Patrick (Headteacher)


The person co-ordinating the day to day provision of education for pupils with SEND is Mrs E Donegan (SENCo)


The Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Bayley


All teachers are teachers of SEND and therefore responsible for meeting the needs of all individuals through:


  • Differentiating the curriculum and varying teaching styles to meet the variety of learning styles that pupils have
  • Making reasonable adjustments and adaptations both to teaching and learning and to the learning environment
  • Assessing needs in consultation with, Learning Support Assistants, SENCo, parents, pupils themselves as appropriate
  • To take the leading role in the close liaison of all members of staff who will be involved in the delivery of a child’s individual provision
  • To provide learning support assistants with clear descriptions of learning objectives and tasks
  • To take into account as appropriate the views of the child when devising and implementing the learning support programme
  • Where possible work closely with parents as partners and ensure their active involvement in their child’s education
  • Providing materials and resources which will help individuals to consolidate and practice the skills they need
  • Providing the time for these activities, either individually or within small groups during the day embedded within literacy and numeracy
  • Where support is deemed necessary over and above that which can be provided by the class teacher it could be available either in a withdrawal situation or in the classroom depending on what is most pertinent to meeting those needs in the most appropriate way


Learning Support Assistants

  • To play their part in meeting the needs of the children in the class
  • To follow the class teacher’s instructions as to learning objectives and tasks
  • To contribute to the process of observation and assessment which helps inform the class teacher with regard to a child’s present needs and progress


Curriculum Leaders

  • Each subject Curriculum Leader has the responsibility for implementing and monitoring SEND issues within their curriculum area


Senior Leadership Team

  • To ensure that SEND issues are addressed as whole school themes
  • Consider evidence that will review the effectiveness of the SEND policy and procedures
  • To identify areas of needs
  • To allocate resources in the most efficient way


Governors (SEND Governor provides the lead on these areas for the Governing Body)

  • To have an understanding of the current structures and systems in place for the implementation of the SEND policy.
  • To have access to adequate data which will enable them to annually monitor the success of current policies and procedures.
  • To be involved in any planning for appropriate changes in policies and procedures as a result of the above review.
  • To identify a budget for SEND
  • To establish targets 
  • To agree an annual action plan 
  • To report to the main Governing Body on the issue of SEND
  • To comment on the success of the policy over the previous year in the Annual Report to Parents


Pupil involvement

  • Children to understand the why, how and when of the processes in which they are engaged.
  • To have a positive self image and be willing to take risks.
  • To be able to express needs, ideas and opinions.
  • To reflect and celebrate


Admission arrangements

In addition to the admission arrangements outlines in the general school policy the following procedure will operate for children with SEND:

  • Where the children entering the school have already been identified as having SEND the SENCo will collate and summarise all the information which is sent from other sources e.g. a report from the preschool teacher, from Special Educational Needs and Psychology service, a report from the Educational Psychologist, a report from the Speech and Language therapist and any other professional reports that identify a child as having SEND, school records, One plans ,reviews  etc.
  • If these are not available the SENCo will attempt to contact the appropriate sources. The SENCo will gather information from the parent(s)/carers and the pupil. After an agreed monitoring and assessment period and in consultation with the appropriate school personnel an action plan will be drawn up and implemented and may include further assessment, allocation of resources for the implementation of the ‘One Plan’ process and following the procedures in the SEND Code of Practice.



Pupils who cause concern to teachers and parents will be identified as soon as possible and  placed on the Class Action school monitoring system. A SENCo referral may also be completed during this time. Action at Quality First Teaching Level may be necessary at this stage to support the identified pupil. This alongside a meeting between the parent and teacher and in some cases with the SENCo attending.


The following criteria for identification of a pupil with SEND may be used as appropriate:


Pupils who are working at ‘P’ Scales /National Curriculum Levels significantly below those designated for their Key Stage in literacy and numeracy. Evidence based on school assessment. There is a comprehensive checklist 


Pupils who are developmentally delayed and as such are identified as part of the assessment process as they enter the school.


Pupils identified by Outside agencies e.g Speech and Language therapist, Occupational therapist etc.


Pupils requiring greater attention than the majority of their peers in the classroom due to their learning which may be attributed to:


  • Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
  • Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dyspraxia.
  • Social, mental and Emotional Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive or lack concentration.
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multisensory and physical difficulties


Behavioural difficulties do not necessarily mean that a child or young person has an SEN and should not automatically lead to a pupil being registered as having SEN.


Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a child has SEN and should not automatically lead to a pupil being recorded as having SEN.


Persistent disruptive or withdrawn behaviours do not necessarily mean that a child or young person has SEN.


Identifying and assessing SEN for children or young people whose first language is not English requires particular care; difficulties related solely to limitations in English as an additional language are not SEN.



At Spring Meadow we feel that it is crucial that all children with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities should be identified and assessed as early and as quickly as possible.


The special needs process will involve identification of strengths and needs through:

  • Teacher assessments and observations
  • National Curriculum checklists
  • Standardised tests
  • Specific skills checklists


This will enable children to access the National Curriculum or Foundation Stage Curriculum as early as possible. In order to do this there is an Early Intervention Programme and it involves: 

  • All Foundation Stage children are assessed by the class teacher using the Foundation profile  assessment, with particular attention given to those who have been highlighted by outside agencies prior to coming to school. 


Some pupils may then be discussed with the SENCo and referred for further assessment if necessary.


As a result of this a pupil who is causing concern either to the class teacher or parents/carers or to any other school personnel may be referred to the SEND Coordinator formally via the school SEND concern sheet with evidence to support their concern.


All decisions with regard to whether children are placed on the SEND register and their progress will be decided upon in consultation between the class teacher, the SENCo, the parent(s) or carer(s), the pupil, teaching assistants and any other people who are able to contribute to the process such as educational psychologists and specialist teachers, health professionals.


Evaluating success

This will be done in a number of ways through the ‘One Plan’ System:

  • Targets/objectives/outcomes will be set for all children with SEND and will be reviewed at least termly
  • Parental views sharing and  feedback at review meetings.
  • One Page Profiles/Pupil views feedback.
  • Standardised test results (Reading/Spelling/Numeracy).
  • Evidence of progress through curriculum based assessment/Target Tracker


 Concerns and Complaints procedure

Parents/carers will be notified each year through the school prospectus that they can have access to their child’s teacher through parents evenings. Class teachers are also available after and in some cases before school to discuss any concerns parents may have about their child.  Appointments should be made via the school office.  The SENCo will be happy to make appointments and will be available for consultations via the school office.  Where the parents/carers feel that they are not happy with the arrangements made for their child they can ask the Head for a special appointment with either the SENCo or the class teacher or both.  This will then be arranged at the earliest opportunity.  For further details of the concerns and complaints procedure please refer to the Concerns and Complaints Policy.




The school personnel will work closely with all people who contribute to a child’s learning and welfare in order to ensure that the most effective assessment and provision will be secured.


Role of parents. This will be developed through:

  • Home/school diaries.
  • Regular formal and informal partnership meetings with school staff and or the SENCo
  • Pupils with SEND ‘One Plan’ and review meetings 
  • Parent views contribution


This ‘partnership’ will extend to other organisations that are involved both within the Learning Services Directorate of Essex County Council (Educational Psychologists, Specialist teachers) and Outside agencies (Social Services and Child Health Services).


The following criteria will be considered when referring a pupil to either the Specialist Teacher team or the Educational Psychologist:


  • A pupil with complex additional needs who is causing continuing concern despite the use of a variety of strategies and approaches at High Quality teaching level over a sustained period of time (A graduated approach)
  • A pupil with complex additional needs who school personnel feel may need to have a statutory assessment at a future date.
  • A pupil who has  particular  complex difficulties  which school personnel do not feel they have adequate expertise to deal with effectively.
  • A pupil for whom an outside view may add a new dimension which will lead to the school being able to meet his/her needs more effectively through the ‘One Planning’ process.


Links with other agencies.


There is a record of all medical, social and voluntary agencies in the Headteacher's office explaining procedures and reasons for contact. All contacts with other agencies will be made in consultation with parents following discussions between class teachers, the SENCo and the Headteacher. Referral forms can be obtained from the office and returned when completed.


Educational links

  • Cluster support groups
  • Multi-agency groups
  • Secondary school providers
  • Pre school providers


The following is an example of how transition arrangements are already in place:


Opportunities for liaison between Year 6 and Year 7 staff continue to be developed  The SENCo from the secondary school now visits to liaise with the SENCo re: year 5 &6 pupils on the SEND register. Other key personnel e.g. Head of year 7, Learning Mentors, Key worker LSAs are invited in during the year to discuss individuals and the support that is in place for them. On occasions staff from the secondary school will observe the work carried out to support these pupils.


Year 6 pupil transition visits also take place during the summer term with extra support for identified pupils with SEND.


The SENCo also supports parents of pupils with complex needs to meet with the SENCo at the Secondary placement, sometimes accompanying them.


Pre school pupils make visits in the term before they start school. School staff carry out home visits in line with the Foundation Stage Induction Policy. School staff visit pre school providers where possible. Where required the SENCo will liaise with pre-school providers concerning the needs of individual children where specific needs have been identified pre- entry


In-service training

In order to meet the demands of the Code of Practice there is a commitment to the training of all school staff both in attending external courses, INSET provided in school and through a regular link with Special Educational Needs and Psychology Service personnel, with whom issues relating to the day to day management of the process can be discussed and implemented.  An appraisal of staff strengths and weaknesses in the area of SEND will be carried out annually through staff performance management procedures.

School Improvement Plan

The SEND Strategic Development Plan links into the School Improvement Plan. This is produced annually.



The LA and other agencies will work in partnership with the school to assess the needs of all SEND pupils and will ensure that the appropriate resources are available to enable pupils to have the greatest possible access to the ‘broad and balanced’  Curriculum and support.  Information on this support is available  through the ‘Local Offer’ and School Send information report.


Arrangements for the Co-ordination of SEND provision.

The SENCo works with the Head Teacher to oversee the day to day management of SEND provision. There are a number of learning support assistants with a range of skills  who work to support SEND children in a variety of ways. The children are identified. The SENCo collates information across year groups and shares this with Headteacher and SLT to identify children to be included in the support and intervention groups. These interventions are then recorded in a the class SEND Provision map

All class teachers have a Class SEND file with up to date information on their children in relation to SEND and SEND reviews.


The SENCo maintains a master duplicate file for each class.


Termly Reports to the Governing Body

These are written by the SENCO and  include information on: 

  • Number of pupils with SEND on the register.
  • Identification, assessment and provision.
  • Monitoring and record keeping.
  • Use of outside support service and agencies.
  • Staff SEND training
  • Local and National updates on SEND Policy and Practice


Annual Report to Parents

To comment on the Termly Reports and the successes of the SEND policy.  


Reviewed: Autumn 2023

Next Review:  Autumn 2024

You can download our SEND Policy here
