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Equalities Information and Objectives

Equality Information and Objectives



Spring Meadow Primary School & ‘School House’ Nursery is an inclusive school, where all staff and governors focus on the well-being and progress of everychild and where all members of our school community are of equal worth.

The Equality Act 2010 provides a robust framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between all members of our school community.  It also ensures that we continue to make early identification of issues regarding disadvantage and underachievement of different identified groups.



Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it 


Legislation and guidance 

This document meets the requirements under the following legislation: 

The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the public sector equality duty and protects people from discrimination

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the public sector equality duty and to publish equality objectives

This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.  


Equality at Spring Meadow Primary School and School House Nursery


Our Approach to equality is based on the following principles which underpin the values and aims of our school:


All learners are of equal value

Whether or not they have SEN, are disabled, whatever their ethnicity, culture, national origin or national status, whatever their socio-economic situation, whatever their gender and gender identity, whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith background.

We recognise, respect and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength

We take account of differences and strive to remove barriers and disadvantages which people may face, in relation to disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or faith.  We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn and teach within our school and those who visit.

We foster positive attitudes and relationships

We actively promote positive attitudes and mutual respect between groups and communities different from each other.

We foster a shared sense of cohesion and belonging

We strive to ensure that all members of our school community feel a sense of belonging within the school and wider community, and to feel that they are respected and able to participate fully in school life.

We observe good equalities practice for our staff

We ensure that all related policies and procedures support all employees and potential employees, within all aspects of their work, including with regards to recruitment and promotion and in continuing professional development.

We have the highest expectations and aspirations for all our pupils

We expect that all pupils will make good progress and achieve their highest potential.

We work to raise standards for all pupils

We believe that improving the quality of education for the most vulnerable groups of pupils raises standards across the whole school.


Roles and responsibilities 

The governing board is responsible for ensuring that the school complies with legislation, and that this policy and its related procedures and action plans are implemented.  There is a named governor responsible for Equalities. 


The equality link governor is Eirini Bayley who  is responsible for: 

  • Meeting  with the designated member of staff for equality every term, and other relevant staff members, to discuss any issues and how these are being addressed.
  • Ensuring that they are familiar with all relevant legislation and the contents of this document.
  • Attending appropriate equality and diversity training
  • Reporting back to the full governing board regarding any issues regarding equality


The Headteacher, Mrs Patrick,  is responsible for:

  • Investigating reports of prejudice related incidents
  • Ensuring steps are taken to address the schools stated equality objectives
  • Ensuring the equality and access plans are readily available and that governors, staff, pupils and their parents / carers know about them
  • Producing regular information for staff and governors about the plans and how they are progressing, for example, through the Head Teachers report to governors full governing body meetings
  • Ensuring that all staff know their responsibilities and receive information and support in carrying them out; for example, access to policies on the shared drive.
  • Ensuring that appropriate action is taken in cases of harassment and discrimination, including prejudice related incidents.
  • Anticipating and enabling reasonable adjustments to be made, in relation to disability, in regard to students, staff, parents , carers and visitors to the school.


The designated member of staff for equality is Mrs Donegan and she will:

  • Support the headteacher in promoting knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives amongst staff and pupils
  • Meet with the equality link governor every term to raise and discuss any issues 
  • Support the headteacher in identifying any staff training needs, and deliver training as necessary
  • Ensure this document is maintained.


All school staff are responsible for:

  • Promoting an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classroom
  • Maintaining the highest expectations and aspirations for the success of all pupils
  • Avoiding unlawful discrimination against anyone and challenging prejudice and discrimination
  • Planning and delivering a curriculum and sequences of lessons that foster good relations between groups
  • Supporting different groups of pupils in their class through adapted planning and teaching
  • Dealing fairly and professionally with prejudice-related incidents
  • Recognising an tackling bias and stereotyping
  • Accessing training and learning opportunities to keep them up to date with equalities legislation relevant to their work
  • Reporting all racist incidents to a member of SLT

All school staff are expected to have regard to this document and to work to achieve the objectives as set out in section 8. 


Visitors to our school

All visitors including but not limited to, parents, carers, contractors and other professionals are expected to support our commitment to equalities and comply with the duties and aims set out in this policy.


Equal opportunities for staff

We are committed to the implementation of equal opportunities principles relating to staff and the monitoring and active promotion of equality in all aspects of staffing and employment.

  • Staff appointments and promotions are made on the basis of merit and ability incompliance with the law.
  • As an employer we strive to ensure that we eliminate discrimination and harassment in our employment practice and actively promote equality across all groups within our workforce.
  • We respect the religious beliefs and practice of all staff, pupils, governors, and parents / carers and comply with reasonable requests relating to religious observance and practice.
  • We ensure that all staff, including support and administrative staff receive appropriate training and opportunities for professional development.


Fostering good relations

The school aims to foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it by:

  • Promoting acceptance, friendship and understanding of a range of religions and cultures through different aspects of our curriculum including the role of young carers. This includes teaching in RE, citizenship and personal, social, health and economic education, but also activities in other curriculum areas such as RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). For example, as part of teaching and learning in English/reading, pupils will be introduced to literature from a range of cultures.
  • Holding assemblies dealing with relevant issues. Pupils will be encouraged to take a lead in such assemblies and we will also invite external speakers to contribute.
  • Working with our local community. This includes inviting leaders of local faith groups to speak at assemblies, and organising school trips and activities based around the local community
  • Encouraging and implementing initiatives to deal with tensions between different groups of pupils within the school. For example, our Pupil Parliament has representatives from different year groups and is formed of pupils from a range of backgrounds including young carers. All pupils are encouraged to participate in the school’s activities, such as sports clubs. We also work with parents to promote knowledge and understanding of different cultures
  • We have developed links with people and groups who have specialist knowledge about particular characteristics, which helps inform and develop our approach.


Equality considerations in decision-making

The school ensures it has due regard to equality considerations whenever significant decisions are made. 

The school always considers the impact of significant decisions on particular groups. For example, when a school trip or activity is being planned, the school considers whether the trip: 

  • Cuts across any religious holidays
  • Is accessible to pupils with disabilities
  • Has equivalent facilities for boys and girls
  • Is accessible to Young Carers

The school keeps a written record to show we have actively considered our equality duties and asked ourselves relevant questions. This is recorded on the risk assessment when planning school trips and activities. The record is completed by the member of staff organising the activity and is stored electronically with the completed risk assessment on the shared drive.


Disseminating this policy

This information demonstrating compliance with the statutory requirements under the terms of legislation referred to above is published by the school and governors on the school website and is made available as a paper copy on request.


Monitoring and reviewing this policy

The Head Teacher, Mrs Patrick,  will update the equality information we publish, at least every year. 

This document will be reviewed by the SENCO (Mrs Donegan), governing body and the Head Teacher at least every 2 years. 

This document will be approved by the SENCo (Mrs Donegan), governing body and Headteacher (Mrs Patrick).


Links with other policies

This document links to the following policies:

  • Accessibility plan
  • Risk assessment 
  • SEN Policy
  • SEN Information report
  • Pupil Attendance Policy
  • Well Being Policy
  • Educational Visits Policy
  • Teaching and Learning Policy
  • Child Protection Policy
  • Whistle Blowing Policy
  • Relationships Policy
  • Behaviour Policy


Review of the  Equality objectives 2021 to 2023

Objective 1: 

Undertake an analysis of recruitment data and trends with regard to race, gender and disability by July, and report on this to the staffing and pay sub-committee of the governing board.

Review of this objective:

The data on recruitment is continually reviewed and analysed by Senior leaders and the governing body and the procedures for recruitment are continually reviewed.

Safe recruitment training is kept up to date for all key staff and governors

Objective 2: 

Have in place a reasonable adjustment agreement for all staff with disabilities by July, to meet their needs better and ensure that any disadvantages they experience are addressed.

Review of this objective:

The pay and conditions of employment policies have been reviewed and updated

A Well-Being policy has been written and adopted by the school community.

We have achieved our Well-Being award as a school and we are now in the process of working towards accreditation for this.

Objective 3:

To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.

Review of this objective:

We now have a senior leader for Community whose role is to focus on parental engagement and in the last year this has resulted in an increase in parental involvement and pupil involvement before this was difficult due to COVID restrictions unfortunately.

Objective 4: 

Train all members of staff and governors involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination by the beginning of the next academic year. Training evaluation data will show that 100% of those attending have a good understanding of the legal requirements.

Review of this objective: Purchased and undertaken Safer Recruitment training for all staff that will potentially be involved with interviewing and recruitment within the school.  This has now included governors as well that require it.

Objective 5:

Include the 'Two Ticks' positive about people with disabilities symbol on all job adverts, application forms and information by January of next year, to help address the under-representation of people with disabilities in the school workforce.

Review of this objective: Our office staff member with responsibility for working on recruitment has investigated and explored this and it is now included.


Equality Objectives 2023 to 2025


Objective 1:

To raise awareness and improve the attendance of pupils with protected characteristics and in this way reduce or remove inequalities in opportunity throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected charachested listed in the Equalities Act.

How will we monitor our progress towards achieving this objective?

  • Head teacher and Senior Lead for attendance to meet regularly and monitor all groups of pupils' attendance.
  • Regular sharing of information regarding the importance of good attendance shared with all parents and carers.
  • Attendance of pupil groups with protected characteristics monitored separately and reasonable adjustments frequently made to ensure no discrimination occurs.
  • Every effort will be made to work with the parents and carers to encourage them to bring their children into school on time and to schedule medical appointments etc. for a time when learning will not be affected.
  • Regular attendance team meetings will also be held.


Objective 2:

To narrow any gap between pupils who may be affected by discrimination and lack of equal opportunity, (as defined by the Equality Act 2010), and other pupils in attainment and progress and in this way reduce or remove inequalities in attainment throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act.

How will we monitor our progress towards achieving this objective?

  • Senior Leaders (SLT) including the Head Teacher will monitor the impact on achievement of pupils with protected characteristics using Insight, our assessment tracker.
  • SLT will conduct regular pupil progress meetings where achievement of target children will be discussed and action planned for.
  • SLT will monitor the quality of teaching over time.
  • SLT will monitor the quality of work in books over time.
  • The Inclusion Leader and SENCo will monitor pupil and parental attitudes and perceptions.


Objective 3:

To address inequalities in ‘readiness to learn’ of vulnerable groups of pupils through  targeted Trauma Informed Approach and in this way reduce or remove inequalities in opportunity throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act.

How will we monitor our progress towards achieving this objective?

  • Inclusion Leader & SENCo to monitor readiness to learn through academic, attendance, exclusion and safeguarding data.
  • Inclusion Team to personalise support as required for individual pupils.
  • All staff to be given ongoing Relationships training and Trauma Informed Practice advice from the Inclusion Team
  • Mentoring programme to be started within school to add an extra layer of support to the pupils who fall within this group.


Objective 4:

To monitor and analyse the data relating to exclusions and suspensions within our school.  We will investigate the groups of pupils involved in suspensions and exclusions and look for any patterns that may be appearing.  We will then look into how provision can be changed / adapted to reduce the number of suspensions and exclusions in a school year.

How will we monitor our progress towards achieving this objective?

  • Inclusion Leader & SENCo to monitor the suspension and exclusion data
  • Inclusion Team to personalise support as required for individual pupils to work to reduce the number of suspensions and exclusions.
  • All staff to be given ongoing Relationships training and Trauma Informed Practice advice from the Inclusion Team
  • Mentoring programme to be started within school to add an extra layer of support to the pupils who fall within this group.


Reviewed:  Spring 2023

Next Review:  Spring 2025

You can download our Equality Information and Objectives here
