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Year 5

In outdoor learning this week we have been cooking breakfast on the fire pit.

Year Five took part in an Aspirations Fair this week and got the chance to meet different organisations and ask them questions about the world of work.

In art we've been making buildings using our knowledge of architecture. We built them using foam board, paper and glue. The children planned as they went after spending the last half term researching different buildings and their forms.

Year Five have taken part in creating prints of insects today at the Harwich Arts Festival.

In Year Five we made our own versions of Jabberwocky and compared size and distance of planet

Year 5's have bene using natural materials found in the forest to create dens.

This week we started our History topic, looking at the myth of Romulus and Remus and creating comic strips to retell the story.

During D.T week, year five created their labels for a pasta sauce.

Year five have finished reading their class text; The Nowhere Emporium. They enjoyed it very much and decided that they wanted to create reviews to tell other classes all about the story and their favourite events and characters.

Year Five have been studying the topic of Climate Zones in Geography lessons this week. They have been learning abut the temperate, polar and tropic zones. They have used their newly acquired knowledge to create climate zone mood boards.

Year Five have been reading the text 'The Nowhere Emporium' this term. This week after reading chapter sixteen, they made 'predictions' about what might happen next. They also completed a retrieval task, using images to capture what they had read in the chapter. This enabled them to use images to retell a story.

Year Five have been studying the life of Dian Fossey in Science this week.

Year Five have begun their Science Unit 'Living Things' and have been exploring the features that mammals have. They have also been working with their division methods.
