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Welcome to

Spring Meadow

Primary School

Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference

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Meet the Team

The Roles within the Inclusion Team


  • Inclusion Leader & SENCO - Mrs Emma Donegan
  • Head of Provision for The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision) - Mrs Emma Donegan
  • Provision Leader for The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision) - Mr Aaron Higgon-Williams
  • Safeguarding - Mrs Emma Donegan
  • Attendance Officer - Mrs Kerri Bowring
  • Pastoral Lead - Mrs Amanda Theobald
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) - Ms Marcia Gois
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) -Mrs Samantha Morris
  • Inclusion Assistant - Mrs Kelly Rands
  • SEMH Support Assistant for The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision)- Mrs Caroline Hayes
  • SEMH Support Assistant for The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision) - Ms Annmarie Durrant
  • SEMH Support Assistant for The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision) & ELSA - Miss Devon Lord
  • Outdoor Learning Leader - Mrs Rebecca Wills
  • Outdoor Learning Assistant - Mrs Carrie Lord
  • SEND LSA’s  

Each of the above mentioned roles are then defined to show how their work will support the vision and areas of focus.


Inclusion Team Job Roles Explained

(For each job role the main tasks have been identified here from these there are many more smaller tasks that link and are covered by each person’s job description and contract)


Inclusion Leader & SENCO - 

(Based on the upper floor of the ‘School House’ Nursery 

in the Inclusion Teams  main office)

  • Team leader for the Inclusion Team 
  • SENCO for the school and nursery - See SEND Strategy for the definition of this role
  • Senior Leader for Attendance
  • Designated Teacher for Look After and Post Looked After Pupils
  • Senior Mental Health Leader for the school
  • To write and oversee the delivery of all medical care plans for staff and pupils
  • Young Carers Leader
  • Outdoor Learning Leader
  • Safeguarding Level 3 Deputy 
  • Relationship and Behaviour Lead
  • TPP Trainer
  • Nursery Lead
  • EVC for the whole school and nursery
  • Link discussions with the counsellor as required
  • Hand over of Safeguarding files to new education settings as required
  • Meeting new families when they join the school and contacting previous settings to ensure all information is transferred regarding any previous safeguarding issues


Head of Provision for The Harbour at Spring Meadow

(based at The Harbour (SEMH Enhanced Provision) and the Inclusion Team's main office)


  • Ensure all policies and paperwork are maintained
  • To be part of the Local Authority Panels to discuss placements
  • To oversee the planning and delivery of daily and individual plans
  • Planning outreach work


Provision Leader for the Harbour at Spring Meadow -

(Based at The Harbour SEMH Enhanced provision)


  • To support pupils who become dysregulated at school
  • To run daily sessions in the Inclusion Hub for pupils who require support to develop their social and emotional skill sets.
  • To oversee the day to day running of the Provision
  • To communicate to parents and referring school, as required
  • To ensure the sessions are based around the pupils' Boxall Profile targets and the Six Core Strengths assessment.
  • To ensure each child on the SEND register has a Boxall Profile and Six Core Strength assessment completed and updated regularly
  • Safeguarding Level 3 trained
  • To oversee the completion of each SEND child’s One Page Profile and One-planning
  • To run weekly Gym trail sessions
  • To oversee the completion of each SEND child’s One Page Profile across the wider school
  • To devise plans to support pupils in the classroom, so the class staff know the best approach for the child
  • To develop a trusting relationship with the child to help support their emotional development
  • To learn the child’s triggers and anxiety points through the day and then with the support of the rest of the Inclusion Team plan to help the child develop strategies to overcome these.
  • PRICE Trained Trainer; providing PRICE training to selected Inclusion and Harbour staff yearly.
  • Planning outreach work and delivering it



(Based on the upper floor of the ‘School House’ Nursery 

in the Inclusion Teams  main office)


  • Supporting the medical needs of all pupils as and when they arise
  • Supporting families with medical needs, social emotional and mental health concerns
  • Facilitating meetings for families and linking to outside agencies for these - TAF
  • Arranging and preparing referrals to outside agencies for families and pupils as requested by the Inclusion Leader & SENCO
  • To support school refusers
  • To support the overseeing of the medical records and care plans for pupils and staff
  • First point of contact for Social Care and other outside services linked to safeguarding issues that arise.
  • One to one work with pupils involved in safeguarding issues
  • Support families where they need help accessing food supplies
  • Home visits where required


Attendance Officer

(Based in the School office)


  • Supporting the social and emotional well-being of all pupils from nursery age to year 6
  • To complete the attendance tasks as detailed in the attached document appendix A
  • To run family sessions to support with toilet training, eating difficulties, head lice and general health for the nursery and foundation stage pupils
  • Daily gate duty to meet and greet pupils and their families


Pastoral Lead

(Based at the Lighthouse)

  • Safeguarding Level 3 Deputy 
  • CPOMs monitoring and follow up
  • To support pupils who become dysregulated in school
  • To lead the running of daily sessions in the Inclusion Hub for pupils who require support to develop their social and emotional skill sets.
  • To ensure the sessions are based around the pupils Boxall Profile targets and learning plans
  • To run Gym Trail sessions weekly
  • To plan and lead Beach school
  • To devise plans to support pupils in the classroom so the class staff know the best approach for the child
  • To support pupils at break and lunchtimes as required
  • To support pupils who find it difficult to come into school in the mornings
  • To develop a trusting relationship with the child to help support their emotional development
  • To learn the child’s triggers and anxiety points through the day and then with the support of the rest of the Inclusion Team plan to help the child develop strategies to overcome these.
  • To lead on the year 6 transition programme each year
  • To run sessions for small groups such as lego therapy, friendship and resilience skills as and when it is felt appropriate


  Inclusion Assistant

(Based in the Inclusion Hub - The Lighthouse)

  • To plan and lead daily sessions in The Lighthouse for pupils who require support to develop their social and emotional well being and their mental health.
  • To ensure the sessions are based around the pupils Boxall Profile targets, learning plans and Six Core Strengths assessment
  • To ensure each child's SEND needs are met
  • To oversee whole school Speech and Language. Including the completion of Speechlink assessments and Intervention (when requested)
  • To run sessions for small groups such as Lego therapy, friendship and resilience skills as and when it is felt appropriate
  • To devise plans to support pupils in the classroom so the class staff know the best approach for the child
  • To support pupils at break and lunchtimes as required  
  • To develop a trusting relationship with the child to help support their emotional development
  • To learn the child’s triggers and anxiety points through the day and then with the support of the rest of the Inclusion Team plan to help the child develop strategies to overcome these.


ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

(Based in small office at the front of school)  


  • To lead on planning and delivering all ELSA sessions for those children referred by school staff and approved by the Inclusion Leader & SENCO
  • To lead on planning and delivering all Attention Autism Bucket Intervention sessions
  • To support pupils at play and lunchtimes as required
  • To support pupils within the Inclusion Hub as required
  • To be involved with the completion of the Boxall Profiles and their evaluation and assessment of the learning targets
  • Lead the Kindness Team/Council
  • To support on My Happy Mind
  • To support the Counsellor and ensure pupils are referred and lists maintained
  • To lead and deliver ELSA sessions for all pupils in the Harbour
  • To lead and deliver Drawing & Talking sessions for those pupils referee by school staff and approved by the Inclusion Leader & SENCO


SEMH Assistant for The Harbour-

(Based in The Harbour SEMH Alternative provision)


  • To deliver individualised plans including curriculum as requested and developed by the Inclusion leader & SENCO
  • To support, plan and lead daily sessions in The Harbour for pupils who require support to develop their social and emotional well being and their mental health.
  • To work one to one with a child who is for whatever reasons having social and emotional difficulties and is frequently becoming dysregulated
  • To support the class staff and help to model a positive working approach with the pupil in question
  • This role does at time require the adult and child to work outside of the classroom and this will be as part of a plan to ensure reintegration can occur at a later date when the child is assessed as being ready for this
  • Support pupils at play and lunchtimes as required
  • To update pupils scrap book, to support reflective practice - daily.
  • To develop a trusting relationship with the child to help support their emotional development
  • To learn the child’s triggers and anxiety points through the day and then with the support of the rest of the Inclusion Team plan to help the child develop strategies to overcome these.
  • Delivering outreach work to referring schools


Outdoor Learning Leader -

(Based in the Inclusion Teams  main office and in the outdoor learning area)


  • To plan and deliver the outdoor learning curriculum to all classes across the school
  • To deliver and support any part of the therapeutic planning the Inclusion Team has put in place to support the reintroduction of a pupil for example after exclusion or when a school refuser due to social and emotional needs is beginning to come back into school
  • To support pupils at lunchtimes as required
  • To work alongside the Learning Behaviour Lead and Learning Behaviour lead Assistant to support any dysregulated child using the outdoor learning environment as a way of helping the child to self regulate.


Outdoor Learning Assistant - 

(Based in the Inclusion Teams  main office and in the outdoor learning area)


  • To support the Forest School Leader to plan and deliver the outdoor learning curriculum to all classes across the school
  • To support the Forest School Leader to deliver and support any part of the therapeutic planning the Inclusion Team has put in place to support the reintroduction of a pupil for example after exclusion or when a school refuser due to social and emotional needs is beginning to come back into school
  • To support pupils at lunchtimes as required
  • To work alongside the Learning Behaviour Lead and Learning Behaviour lead Assistant to support any dysregulated child using the outdoor learning environment as a way of helping the child to self regulate.


SEND Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s) -

(Based in the classrooms working alongside the pupils)


  • To deliver the personalised curriculum as planned for by the class teacher
  • To be focused on the targets as set in the one plans and the outcomes as set in the child’s EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan)
  • To request resources as and when needed by sending through the request to the Inclusion Leader & SENCO
  • To ensure the ordinarily available is in place for the pupil they are working for such as regular movement breaks, sensory activities and short structured tasks as appropriate
  • To support the children at play and lunchtimes as required
  • To ensure all paperwork requests are completed fully and within the timescales as requested by the Inclusion Leader & SENCO or the Pupil Well Being & attendance Mentor
  • To ensure any advice gained from the other team members within the Inclusion Team is acted upon and respected.


It is extremely important to note at this point that these job roles describe the main overarching work each team member will cover but they all have to work with a high level of flexibility due to the difficulties the pupils and families face. Their needs can be very unpredictable and do not always fit to a timetable and therefore it is not always possible for any one of the team to have a set plan and achieve it daily but the aim will always be to complete a plan as it has been set.


It is also important to note here that the work that the Inclusion Team carries out on a daily basis can be very emotional and takes a high degree of self regulation for the team member at the time they have to build a close relationship with the child and their family and then be prepared to move that relationship on when the child has developed the desired skills and is ready to become more independent.  Therefore it is important that the Inclusion Teams own emotional expense is considered and supported through supervision and time to discuss and process after an incident.  The Inclusion Teams team leader will monitor this and act as they feel is necessary to support and protect the emotional well-being of the team members.


All members of the Inclusion Team will remain flexible and happy to support other teams throughout the school to cover staff absence or support a dysregulated child whenever needed if the team has the capacity to do so at the time.

