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Welcome to
Spring Meadow
Primary School
Aim High, Inspire, Make a Difference
About The Harbour at Spring Meadow
The Harbour is an enhanced education provision for young children, aged 4 to 11, whose progression in their current school is of concern due to barriers caused by behaviour, emotional well-being needs or social difficulties. Some of these children will have had early childhood trauma and attachment difficulties, some will have other diagnosed difficulties such as ADHD.
The Harbour signifies a safe haven; a calm environment for children to grow and develop. The provision is based upon the GROW Model which is grounded in research and applied widely across SEMH Enhanced Provisions in Essex Schools.
The Harbour offers time limited placements to children who are at risk of exclusion, or who need an alternative curriculum that cannot be offered at their own school. Our priority is to ensure that children in The Harbour are nurtured and supported, to enable them to develop a sense of belonging, and experience the power of positive relationships.
Children who attend The Harbour have a personalised curriculum designed to meet their SEMH needs. We aim to develop key skills through providing a safe, nurturing and inclusive learning environment, which provides ways around the barriers to learning that the children may have. The objective is to enable the children to move back to their mainstream school with strategies to regulate their emotions and the ability to make progress with their learning. On occasions, if it is felt more appropriate, children may be transitioned into a specialist setting.